A Look Inside SICOOB’s New Brasilia Office
| June 10, 2022Banking services company SICOOB hired interior and architecture design firm SKborges to design their new office in Brasilia, Brazil.
“SKBorges was the contest winner of the competition to design the SICOOB Executive Bank Agency for its know-how and expertise in corporate architecture and for understanding the client’s desires in creating a more welcoming and efficient environment.
It is not because it is a bank agency that one must necessarily keep an impersonal and conventional design pattern as we are used to seeing nowadays. In this case, our mission was to develop a project with disruptive concepts, transforming the space into a more humanized, pleasant and inviting environment for interpersonal relationships.
The agency was planned for people and businesses, providing a welcoming and modern environment, making the company’s values explicit. Combining textures, shapes and movements of the elements contained in it, they explore the senses of those who use it, improving the relationships and productivity of customers and staff.
The use of natural materials such as plants and wood in strategic spaces provide greater well-being for the agency’s users, combined with efficient and personalized lighting, aiming at visual comfort, design and aesthetics.
The wall coverings and meeting spaces were created so that the customer and staff can have more convenience and privacy, so that they feel completely belonging to the place, thus having a unique experience in their permanence in the company.”
- Location: Brasilia, Brazil
- Date completed: 2020
- Size: 1,130 square feet
- Design: SKborges

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