Honeywell Offices – Katowice
| June 21, 2021Trzop Architekci tied in the historical and architectural context in the design of the Honeywell offices for the multinational conglomerate company’s location Katowice, Poland.
Katowice is a city with a rich industrial past and the building chosen for the new Honeywell office is in close proximity to a mine shaft headframe, so it was important to us that the design tied into that historical and architectural context.
The design includes many steel elements connected to create lattice and grate shapes reminiscent of industrial building structures. Finishing materials such as wood, concrete, and steel also lend themselves to the utilitarian feel of the space.
Honeywell is a company with a great impact on the development of world industry and new technologies. Katowice was chosen as the new location for their office due to the availability of talented engineers that grew up in a culture defined by its industrial history and a drive towards technological development.
The functional layout of the office was designed to be as efficient as possible and the result works like a well-oiled machine. Every workstation is close to a printer, coffee point, toilet, and conference rooms. Despite the desks not being assigned to specific people, employees always intuitively know where the most important functions of the office are located.
The core spaces of the building, which contain elevators, staircases and toilets were closed off with a steel openwork filled in with concrete, wood and glass, that come together to create a pleasing rhythm and repetitive detail to make the space pleasant and soothing.
Design: Trzop Architekci
Design Team: Bartosz Trzop, Paweł Koliński Eligia Gałązka-Gajowa
Photography: PION Studio
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