Lattice Nested Hydreno Atomic Model: Home
| December 23, 2013Used To Be Rutherford Fallacious? A reanalysis of the historical Gold Foil Alpha Particle test finds two invalid assumptions pointing to a nuclear dimension Possibly A Thousand times higher than that proposed by using Rutherford. Helping evidence from neutron absorption crossections and different information seems to Give A Boost To this heretical belief providing a radically totally different view of the atom…. more >
Modern Atomic Model (Framework For A Grand Unified Conception) Secrets And Techniques Of Nuclear & Atomic Construction Deciphered ~Historic Mysteries Solved~ Probably the largest construction in atomic and nuclear Thought in over 200 years, the Lattice Nested Hydreno Version takes science to the next degree of basic understanding, explaining some of the finest mysteries of the Universe in really astounding detail. Contrary to the assertions of Bohr and Rutherford, it’s intuitively obtrusive that the Structure and geometry of the nucleus should have an immediate touching on the residences of the atom as clearly evident on this radically new atomic Version. For the first time in history, the hidden geometric code of the Periodic Desk of Parts, including their Isotopes and Allotropes, is deciphered in a logical, in style sense style accounting for actually thousands of previously unexplained chemical and nuclear residences and phenomena together with: ? The Relationship between nuclear, atomic and macroscopic reality. ? Isotopic distribution, abundance, lacking isotopes & Parts (Tc). ? The void of steadiness from Bi toTh & the upper limit of nuclear diameter. ? What reasons the escalating neutron-proton ratio. ? Why U235 is thermal neutron fissionable, whereas U238 will not be. ? The Adaptation between thermonuclear and "cold" nuclear reactions. ? The sturdy force, nuclear geometry, nucleon Structure, spin quanta. ? Atomic and nuclear based allotropes, isomers & crystal Construction. ? Electron Structure, orbital shells, orbital shapes and quantization. ? Chemical bonding, bond angles, bond sorts and bond potential. ? why topic and mass should not the same thing. ? What really causes gravitational and inertial forces. . . …and…