Tag Archives: Singapore
Interior Design Singapore | A Scandirustic Home by Visionary Interior
| May 12, 2019Interior Design Singapore | A Scandirustic Home by Visionary Interior A mixture of Scandinavian and Industrialised home. With the woody feel of
Interior Design Singapore | 3D Innovations Collection
| May 7, 2019Interior Design Singapore | 3D Innovations Collection Renopedia presents the collection from 3D Innovations. Be awed by their home designs! Login to
SIngapore interior design cartoon intro
| May 3, 2019Watch Singapore interior design cartoon intro. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sginteriordesign Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/115328340175836981921/115328340175836981921/posts Twitter: https://twitter.com/sghomedesign Brought to you by Singapore Interior Design Pte Ltd Video
Renovation Singapore | Chit chat with home owner, Hervie (EBrickz Interior Design)
| May 2, 2019Renovation Singapore | Chit chat with home owner, Hervie (EBrickz Interior Design) You have seen the beautiful urban home done by EBrickz.
【北欧豪华风格公寓】Scandinavia Luxury | Interior Design Singapore
| April 27, 2019Amazing Home transformation in Bishan by Meter Square. 这间位于Bishan 的公寓,1400平方英尺拥有四间卧室,经过Meter Square 的设计师精心设计后,整个空间强调色彩的沉静和造型线条的简洁,搭配木色元素,宽敞明亮。 简洁干净的块面和线条,用最简单的方式营造出空间的温暖与惬意。白色、炭灰色作为墙面主色。细节处融入些许北欧豪华元素。客厅以原木色和米白色为基调,加上爱马仕橙色皮质沙发作为空间的点缀,活跃空间气氛。线条轻盈的茶几边桌、简洁实用的电视背景墙加上玫瑰金的搭配让整体风格更加时尚与豪华,绿色植物点缀,家的暖意,油然而生。 开放式餐厅与客厅同处一个空间,视线开阔,更能增进家人间的沟通与情感。餐厅少了些重色,多了几分原木色来营造用餐时光的温馨与惬意。 开放式的装修使得厨房、餐厅、客厅等空间相连,让空间显得更加美观,同时扩大了视觉空间。在开放式厨房里做饭,视线可遍及客厅、餐厅,可以边烹饪美食边和家人、朋友聊天,促进交流,加深感情。此外还可以照看家里的老人或小孩,一定程度上提供了安全。 大理石瓷砖浴室红了,成为许多高档住宅最受欢迎的浴室风格。丰富的纹理、现代的直线设计、浅色或者深色等质感散发出豪华氛围,加上木柜温暖了整个空间。 卧室少了些许硬朗,多了几份静谧与舒适。木元素与蓝色调的搭配,既有着清爽与洁净,也有着优雅与惬意。 如果您也想拥有一间很有风格与气质的蜗居,就让我们的设计师为您打造一个舒适时尚的家居环境吧! 欢迎发邮件至 🏘Send us an
Interior Design Singapore | Classic Chic home (Neu Konceptz)
| April 17, 2019Interior Design Singapore | Classic Chic home (Neu Konceptz) Here is a beautiful simple home with an open concept kitchen. Not only
DREAM Interiors Singapore
| April 9, 2019Video Rating: / 5
Features of Singapore Subsidiary Company and Singapore Branch Office
| April 2, 2019Singapore maintains an open policy for foreigners when it comes to business opportunities. Business formats were reviewed and industry standards were specified
Curtain Blinds Designs And Style In Singapore
| April 2, 2019Modern age Singaporeans love curtains and blinds so much that great ideas are popping up each and everyday. Since there are so
Interior Design Singapore | Modern Contemporary Home (D Initial Concept)
| March 25, 2019Visit http://renopedia.sg/Renoquotes and get free interior design plans from various interior designers and save your trouble from visiting dozen of interior firms.