The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of MN and The Dakotas Offices – Minneapolis
| April 29, 2020Design Forward by Studio BV recently completed the offices of The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of MN and The Dakotas located in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The concept for the new Cystic Fibrosis Foundation office is about contraction and release. This idea comes from the body’s actions when breathing. Breathing is the basic function of life. This simple act is at center of the CF disease and treatment. It’s the most simple invisible action that is sacred and emotional to all who are touched by this disease.
The ceiling (often invisible like breath), will express this idea of movement and structure. Using acoustic felt panels the open work areas will have angulating panels that mimic the softness and rhythm of breath. This ceiling design will provide a contrast of softness and light to the heavy and rigid timber structure. This light and texture contrast will help create a visual break from the heavy architecture. This playful design move will help your eye connect the workspaces together.
This connection to breathing and the body is an important link to the Foundation’s mission and deepens the connection the Foundation has to the families they support.
This design is optimistic and playful making a connection to the families and children that are battling Cystic Fibrosis. We believe that this design will deepen everyone’s connection and commitment to finding a cure for CF. The design will also inspire and support the amazing people who dedicate their life’s work to fighting for a cure for CF.
Studio BV and their partners secured approximately $ 375,000 of donated products for the project.
Design Forward by Studio BV helps not for profit organizations find innovative design solutions at a reduced fee or no cost. This recently introduced division reaches new organizations and builds bigger partnerships with industry friends to help make physical transformations possible for the people that need design the most.
The creation of Design Forward by Studio BV is an evolution for this kind of work at the firm. Studio BV has always been committed to doing design work for not for profit organizations that can’t afford design services. Having this separate division provides a direct path for more non-profit organizations to benefit and makes it easier for other partners to get involved.
Design: Design Forward by Studio BV
Photography: Farm Kid Studios
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